2000 sheets of Cantorial music online
Ladies and Gentlemen!
It gives me the greatest of pleasure, after more than 7 years of travail, to announce that over 2,000 sheets of shul music have now been scanned and put on the www.shulmusic.org site.
Stephen Simpson
Moderator, Shul Music List
Because of bandwidth constraints and the anticipated stampede to download material, only the Yamim Noraim music is now available. Stay tuned to the shul music list (groups.yahoo.com/subscribe.cgi/jewishshulmusic), and I'll keep you updated as to when the next batches will be on-line.
The uploaded files are:
- Yamim Noraim basics, taken from 2 choirs: 18 MB
- Sulzer in zipped file: 84 Mb
- Lewandowski - all three volumes (Shabbat, Yom tov and recitatives): 100 MB
- Basic shabbat choral material: 14 MB
- Index of all known liturgical music composers: 2 Mb
- The Blue Book in a zipped file: 44 MB
- The Goldfarb (son and father) Yamim noraim songster from 1926: 4 Mb
The URL is: www.shulmusic.org/latest_updates.htm
Please contact me if you experience any problems, have any special requests or ideas.
Stephen Simpson
Moderator, Shul Music List