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Stempenyu's Dream CD released

album coverSteven Greenman's new CD project, "Stempenyu's Dream", is finally released. I last mentioned this back in April and heard selections at KlezKanada this summer where I was blown away. People raved about the music when played at this year's Ashkenaz Festival.

You can order your copy already—no need to wait for me to get around to writing a rave review. Steven describes the album thusly:

"The first modern studio recording comprised entirely of originally composed traditional klezmer violin music, Stempenyu's Dream is the music of the violinist, Steven Greenman, one of the finest practitioners of East European Jewish violin music in the world today. This double-CD recording features soulful examples of stirring religious hymns, virtuosic Jewish/Moldavian dances, spiritual nigunim and artistic table music for listening. A cast of some of the finest musicians of the klezmer revival including Michael Alpert, Alan Bern, Stuart Brotman, Alexander Fedoriouk, Walter Zev Feldman, Mark Rubin and Pete Rushefsky capture the essence of these new yet traditionally sounding compositions evoking memories of an honored Jewish musical life and continuing creative culture."

Double CD set
$25.00 USD plus
$3.85 shipping
$28.85 total

For CDs please send checks or money orders to:
Steven Greenman
818 South Green Rd. Apt. 4
South Euclid, OH 44121
E-mail Steven Greenman for more info.

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