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Frank London to debut "A night in the old marketplace," Mar 26

A night in the old marketplace, adapted from IL PeretzArt Bailey reports to the Jewish-Music list on the latest Frank London project:

… I'll take this opportunity to shill for Frank London (as if he needs it at this point) and mention that he's releasing a new cd that I play on called "A Night in the Old Marketplace", which is a new Jewish musical. Music by Frank, lyrics by Glen Berger, vocals by a cast of thousands including Lorin Sklamberg and Joanne Borts. Also featuring lister Ron "Vodka" Caswell, Brandon "Eraserhead" Seabrook, and Aaron "Aaron" Alexander. Cd release party on March 26, in NYC, info here:


It's so good that I think it might just become your new favorite. More on the KlezmerShack calendar