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New Hanna Tiferet CD

This is more music of a type that I do not listen to often. But Tiferet and her husband, Daniel Siegel, used to live nearby and I miss them very much—Daniel especially—so, in the best of all worlds, this becomes a major hit and they can afford to (and want to) move back to Boston from their home in Vancouver. Hah! But, in the meantime, check out the CD.

SEEDS of WONDER, Hanna Tiferet's seventh recording, has come to life during this first week of Shevat. It may be late for Hanukkah, but it's just in time for Tu B'Shevat!

cd coverSEEDS of WONDER contains 15 new song-prayers to nourish your heart and soul. Once again, Hanna has created beautiful music that will carry you through hard times, help you prepare for Shabbat, inspire your children, and renew your connection to ancient texts.

She is joined by a host of talented musicians including Shulamit Wise Fairman, Cantor Jeff Klepper, and a choir of angels. SEEDS of WONDER is available both digitally and in a full CD format from www.cdfreedom.com