More on Hutsul Tecso
As near as I can tell, it was Helen Winkler, originally posting to the Jewish-Music list about this video, that sparked Roger Reid's long post about the Hutsul music craze (and the subsequent discussion) a couple of weeks ago.
Now, Inna Barmash adds more information about the recording, also posted to the Jewish-Music mailing list:
Ah yes! I remember that night—this is in Budapest, at Fono in the Fall 2006. Tecso played after a wonderful set by Nikitov (Niki Jakobs et al) - that explains why you see Adam Good on bass jamming with the Ukranian musicians. The really frustrating thing about this recording is that I'm standing right behind the video guy the whole time, so no proof remains that I was there (except my own blurry pictures :)
The person posting the video is none-other than the omnipresent and sagacious Bob Cohen of Di Naye Kapelye. He turned us on to Tecso, and he's got a wonderful post on Tecso on his ever-enlightening blog. Sadly, Mihailo Csernavec, the tsimbalom player in the band (who was already ill at the time of this show) passed away very recently, and Bob tells his story and the story of the band here: Mihailo Csernavec, Hutsul Tsymbaly player, 1947-2007.