New International Journal of Community Music
One more great George Robinson resource posted to the Jewish-Music list recently:
I'm not sure how these folks are defining community music, but I suspect that at least some of what goes on here fits the bill. At any rate, I know that many of you are ethnomusicologists and I assume that "publish or perish" is still the order of the day in academe (It's been a while since I taught anywhere besides my shul's Hebrew school, but I'm sure the ivory-towered salt mines haven't changed that much), so for your interest I enclose the notice below.
Subject: [The International Journal of Community Music
Date: Mon, 3 Sep 2007
From: Luke Roberts, luke[at]
International Journal of Community Music
Edited by Dr. David J. Elliott, Dr. Lee Higins & Dr. Kari Veblen
*Quick Links*:
Intellect Books [who also published both Computers and Typography books to which I contributed chapters—ari]
The International Journal of Community Music—should have the first issue for downloading
*In This Issue*
*Volume 1.1*
*Aims & Scope*
*Call for Papers*
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