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New Jazz Yizkor recording

This was sent by David Chevan in time for the Sept 11 remembrance, but has sat, like too many other entries, awaiting time. As we approach the High Holidays (and the election season), it still seems very relevant. Don't forget to check out his new CD of this recording. [ari]

“There are three ways to mourn. The first is to cry. The second is to grow silent. The third is to transform sorrow into song.” —Abraham Joshua Heschel

"Our friend, videographer Jay Miles, recently completed a film he made of The Afro-Semitic Experience and Hazzan Alberto Mizrahi recording the Yizkor prayer for Martyrs. He posted it on YouTube. I mention this only because today, September 11, you might want to take a moment to reflect and listen to a memorial prayer instead of listening to politicians mouth empty phrases and even emptier promises.

"If you are so moved, please share this music with your friends and family."