Mar 29 - music everywhere, especially here in Boston
Here are two disparate, very kid-friendly (and adult-friendly) Jewish music events for a rainy Sunday afternoon in the Boston area. Judy Bresler is an outstanding dance teacher (and you thought she was just a pretty voice). Shirim has been adding some new material and sounds excited about playing music all over again. More details on the KlezmerShack calendar, (or just to view USA_northeast:
- Sunday March 29, 2009, 1:00 - 2:30 pm
Springstep, 98 George P Hassett Drive, Medford MA
Part of a series: Spring Sundays Workshops for Families & ChildrenAt the door: $8 Youth / $10 Adult
Get ready to dance at your great grandparents' wedding! Join Hankus Netsky, clarinetist Dena Ressler, and dance caller Judy Bressler and learn line, circle, and set dances from the "Old Country"! Join in the fun and learn dances such as the Freylakhs, Bulgar, Hora, and Sher! This workshop is co-sponsored by the Boston Workmen's Circle.
tel: 781-395-0402 Shirim Klezmer Orchestra @ The Lilypad on Mar. 29, 2009!
Shirim Klezmer Orchestra, masters of the klezmer universe, perform a fun and infectious concert of klezmer and beyond on Mar. 29, 2:00pm at the Lilypad, 1353 Cambridge St., Inman Square, Cambridge, MA . Suggested donation, $10, $7/kids. Bring the kids, bring your grandmother! Be ready to move. This is music for the soul.