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Adam Stinga update - looks like he's cured and healthier than ever!

Alan Bern reports to the Jewish-Music list this morning this very welcome update:

Dear Friends & Supporters!

I'm delighted to update you on Adam's health. I'm with him now at the Kerckhoff Klinik in Bad Nauheim, Germany. He arrived here yesterday for his 3-month post-operative check-up that took place this morning. Dr. Med Safet Beqiri, the brilliant surgeon who operated on Adam, used a bronchioscope to check how the internal incisions have healed. Indeed, they've healed perfectly with no scarring and no sign at all of any further growths. In short, a 100% result, incredible. Adam himself has put on some weight in the last few months due to enjoying life and quitting smoking (mazltov!) and his handshake and hug are as strong as a bear's. Dr. Beqiri stated that there's no reason for Adam to be cautious about playing trumpet now, he can go full out as if he'd never been sick.

It's hard to put into words how amazing this is, and how grateful we are to everyone who helped with support of all kinds. Without your help, this outcome would have been impossible.

Warmest greetings to all, Alan

More on Adam's battle with cancer: