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Wolf Krakowski, NYC

A New Music Series at The Museum of Jewish Heritage - A Living Memorial to the Holocaust

Wolf Krakowski
with The Lonesome Brothers & Friends

Don't miss the first New York performance of this important musician!

Wolf Krakowski's website

Wolf Krakowski weaves unique and heartfelt World Music soul stylings with Yiddish folk, theater, and pop songs to create a compelling international sound rooted in the blues, country-rock, tango, reggae, and native mameloshn -- creating a bridge from the ruins of the vital culture that was nearly destroyed during World War II to our times. In defiance, he resurrects the spirit of that culture in performance.

Tickets: $20-General; $17-Students, Seniors, Members.
Advance tickets recommended.

Web: www.mjhnyc.org/museum/prog/fr_music.htm
The Museum of Jewish Heritage - A Living Memorial to the Holocaust
18 First Place
Battery Park City
New York City, NY 10004

General Museum information (recorded message) 212.509.6130
To purchase individual tickets: 212.945.0039

N, R to Whitehall Street, walk along Battery Place to First Place.
4, 5 to Bowling Green, walk along Battery Place to First Place.
J, M, Z to Broad Street to Broad Street, walk one block west to Broadway, and then south to the corner of Battery Place at Bowling Green. Go west on Battery Place to First Place.
1, 9 to South Ferry, walk along Battery Park/State Street, turn left onto Battery Place, follow to First Place.

Bus: M15, M9

Please call for driving directions.

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