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Maalot Summer Institute in Jewish Music, Liturgy, and Ceremonial Arts, Rockville, MD

Founded in 1988, we are a trans-denominational seminary devoted to Jewish music, liturgy and the ceremonial arts. Our founding faculty includes Rabbi-cantor David Shneyer, Rabbi Max Ticktin, Rabbi Bob Saks, Hazzan Dr. Ramon Tasat, Cantor Sue Roemer, Dr. Diane Jacobstein. Our extended and guest faculty includes Flory Jagoda, Jerome Barry, Linda Hirschhorn, Hanna Tiferet Siegel, Norman Shore, Rabbi Mindy Portnoy, Cantor Abe Golinkin and other Jewish educators.

The Institute will be held from Jun 22 - 26, 2003

Why the Institute?

The Institute is responding to a need for training in the above areas, particularly for leaders of smaller and independent Jewish communities scattered throughout the US and Canada.

Who can attend?

Maalot cantorial students, lay leaders of synagogues, havurot and independent Jewish communities throughout North America, cantorial soloists, cantors, folk singers, rabbis and rabbinical students and lovers of Jewish music.

When ?

June 22 - 26, 2003


Rockville, Maryland (just north of Washington, D.C.) Hotel arrangements are being finalized.

For more information please e-mail with snail mail address to maalotds@aol.com or call 301-309-2310. Stephanie Putman, coordinator and David Shneyer, chair.

The Institute is partially supported by a grant from the Rita Poretsky Fund. Additional funding support is welcome and will be gratefully acknowledged.

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