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California Klezmer, Berkeley, Nov 19

gerry tenneyGerry Tenney & California Klezmer
Wednesday, November 19, 2003
premier Klezmer & Yiddish music ensemble
Door 7:30pm, Music 8:00pm | Purchase advance tickets: $15.50

At California Klezmer's near-annual pre-Thanksgiving/Khanukah concert, you can expect the usual combination of hot playing and great Yiddish vocals from this always-exciting stalwart of the Bay Area music scene. Traditional tunes and songs as well as recently composed (English and Yiddish) material always highlight a California Klezmer show; throw in some Yiddish rock and roll and let the wild rumpus begin! Singer, guitarist, and mandolinist Gerry Tenney leads the group, which also features Rick Elmore on trombone, Peter Jacques on clarinet, David Laub on bass, Jim Rebhan on accordion and percussion, and Irene Sazer on violin, plus singers Betty Albert Schreck and Leslie Tenney.

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