Wise Men of Chelm, Glen Echo, MD, Dec 21
Wise Men of Chelm by Sandra Asher
Based on the stories of Isaac Bashevis Singer, music provided by Lox & Vodka.
Nov. 23 every Sunday 1:30 & 3:30 until Dec. 28 and then Dec. 29 -31 at 11:00.
Adventure Theatre $7 ticket
Glen Echo Park • 7300 MacArthur Blvd. • Glen Echo, MD 20812<12
Phone: (301) 320-5331 • Fax: (301) 320-3108 • Email:
Those who leave Chelm end up in Chelm. Those who remain in Chelm are certainly in Chelm. All roads lead to Chelm. All the world is one big Chelm. -Isaac Bashevis Singer