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Yidish-Vokh, NY, Aug 25-31

(sponsored by Yugntruf Youth for Yiddish) - the one-and-only week-long
opportunity to LIVE IN YIDDISH LAND with other Yiddish-speakers young and
old, from around the whole world; where all the activities and performances are entirely in Yiddish,
and where Yiddish is spoken everywhere, including on the porches, at the
swimming pool and in the dining hall;and which is the best opportunity for those who will have taken an
intensive Yiddish summer course to use what they've learned in the classes
will take place from WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 25 through TUESDAY, AUGUST 31
in the Berkshire Hills Emanuel Adult Vacation Center, Copake, NEW YORK, USA

More info? Write to yvokh@yugntruf.org or go to www.yugntruf.org

arshraybt zikh di dates!

(unter der patronat fun Yugntruf Yugnt far Yidish) -
der eyn-un-eyntsiker vokh-langiker gelegnhayt ZIKH OYSTSULEBN IN GANTSN AF
YIDISH mit andere yidish reders yung un alt, fun arum der gorer velt; vu
ale aktivitetn un forshtelungen zenen in gantsn af yidish,
un vu me redt yidish umetum, arayngerekhnt af di verandes, bam shvimbaseyn
un in eszal; un af velkher se kumen a hipshe por studentn fun di intensive
yidish-zumer-programen, vayl ken beser ort iz nishto af ontsuvendn dos vos
zey hobn zikh gelernt in di klasnvet forkumen fun MITVOKH, DEM 25STN OYGUST
biz DINSTIK, DEM 31STN OYGUST in dem Berkshire Hills Emanuel Adult
Vacation Center, Copake, NEW YORK,USA

Nokh kashes? Vendt zikh tsu yvokh@yugntruf.org oder www.yugntruf.org

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