di bostoner klezmer, NYC, Feb 29
We're happy to announce two "di bostoner klezmer" concerts over the next month that may be of interest:
** Sunday, February 29, Tonic brunch,
107 Norfolk St. (between Delancey and Rivington) New York City,
1:30 p.m. and 3 p.m. $10 for one set, $15 for both
** Sunday, March 14, National Yiddish Book Center,
Amherst, MA 2 p.m. $5
We are Dobe (Dena) Ressler, Brian Bender, and Terry Traub, and between us we play clarinet, accordion, trombone, melodica, fiddle, piano and...who knows what other instruments...we'll play a few of original numbers, too.
Mit fagenign lozen mir aykh tzu visn, az mir veln gebn tsvey kontsertn
inem kumendikn khoydesh:
zuntik, 29tn februar - fun "Tonic"
af 107 Norfolk gas (tvishn Delancey un Rivington) in der shtot New York,
1:30 n.m. un 3 n.m.; di prayz iz $10 far eyn kontsert, $15 - far beyde;
zuntik, 14tn mertz, natzionale yidishe bikher centrale,
Amherst, Masatshusets, 2 n.m., $5.
Es veln shpiln: dobe (Dena) resler; borukh (Brian) bender, un yankl (Terry) traub. Tvishn undz, shpiln mir klarnet, trombon,
melodike, harmonie, fidl...un...ver veyst vosere nokh
instrumentn...Mir veln shpiln a por zakhn vos bender hut geshribn, oykh.