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Freedom Seder, Brooklyn, NY, Apr 9

Beyond Fiddler:
Jewish Tradition & Transformation
April 2—May 2, 2004

In celebration of Jewish Heritage Month, BAM presents the Fourth Annual Brooklyn Jewish Film Festival, live music, panel discussions, and special guests—all highlighting the innovation and diversity of Jewish-American culture.

Friday, April 9 at 9pm
A Freedom Seder with the Afro Semitic Experience
"The Afro Semitic Experience rocks the house"-The Jewish Week

No cover. $10 food/drink minimum.
30 Lafayette Avenue . Brooklyn, NY

Formed in 1998 by jazz bassist David Chevan and pianist Warren Byrd The Afro
Semitic Experience are African American and Jewish American musicians
dedicated to preserving, promoting, and expanding the rich cultural musical
heritage of the Jewish and African Diaspora. Blending gospel, klezmer,
spirituals and swing, the ensemble forges the common ground between Jewish
and African Americans, bringing their versions of classic African and sacred
Jewish music to concert halls, churches, and synagogues worldwide.

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