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Jewish Music Fest, Detroit, MI, Jun 20-27

If you live in the Metro Detroit area, or will be traveling near the Metro Detroit area in late June- don't miss MusicFest- Detroit's first Jewish Music Festival.

MusicFest takes place June 20-27. Frank London is serving as MusicFest's first honorary chair, and will be speaking an performing on the final sunday.

Featured musicians include: Shira Kline, Yale Strom, Vocolot, Elaine Serling, Peter Himmelman, Sarah Aroeste, Afro-Semitic Experience (featuring David Chevan and Warren Byrd) and Golem. Author Seth Rogovoy will deliver a presentation called "Rockin' The Shtetl" on Tuesday afternoon.

If you would like more information, feel free to e-mail me. Tickets can be ordered through the box office at (248) 788-2900. The community is getting very excited about this program- we have had a lot of interest from almost every major newspaper in our area. We also have an interactive website at www.jccdet.org/musicfest

Katie Marcus
MusicFest Director
Jewish Community Center of Metropolitan Detroit
6600 W. Maple Road
West Bloomfield, MI 48322
(248) 432-5470 (Phone)
(248) 432-5552 (Fax)

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