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KlezMerovitz, Calgary, Canada, Dec 18

KlezMerovitz to play Festival of Light concert at Ironwood Stage and Grill

Saturday, December 18 2004

Calgary-based klezmer/yiddish and world music ensemble KlezMerovitz, featuring the vocal talents of Allan Merovitz, will play a special concert at one of Calgary`s finest live music venues, the Ironwood Stage and Grill, on December 18th, 2004.

Klezmerovitz will perform special arrangements of some Chanukah-related repertoire, with a few musical surprises thrown in for good measure.

This will be an all ages show, so the younger folk are welcome. Admission is $10 and the show starts at 9 pm. The Ironwood is located at 1429 9 Ave S.E. in Inglewood. The Ironwood is also an excellent restaurant and the owner promises latkes on the menu that evening!

KlezMerovitz`s self-titled debut CD is now availalble and will be available at the show.

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