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Henry Sapoznik and the Youngers of Zion, New Haven, CT, Dec 5

Join Henry Sapoznik and the Youngers of Zion

"The Youngers of Zion," (Henry "Hank" Sapoznik: tenor guitar/vocals; Marlene "Cookie" Segelstein: fiddle; Mark "Doctor" Rubin: bass, tuba) offer an intimate, exciting salon of old time Yiddish music-hot fiddle tunes, forgotten ballads, introspective instrumentals and snappy Second Avenue vaudeville songs - all performed with an irresistible immediacy evoking the coziness of the parlor and the raucousness of the dance floor.

Sunday, December 5 @ 3pm

Co-sponsored by JCC and DJE Culture Committee.
$12 individual
$ 36 family
$ 5 children 3-12

Musicians! Bring your instruments and join The Youngers of Zion in a jam following the performance!

Jewish Community Center of Greater New Haven
360 Amity Road, Woodbridge, CT 06525 USA, Tel: 203-387-2522

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