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the Golden Dreydl, Dublin, OH, Dec 5

album coverShirim Klezmer Orchestra is making a rare trip to Ohio this weekend to perform our "Golden Dreydl" show with public radio's "Sound & Spirit" host Ellen Kushner. We will have all of our CDs with us, including the brand new "Pincus & the Pig" and "Mayse" CDs.

Dec. 5, 2004, 5pm
Abbey Theater at the Dublin Community Recreation Center
"The Golden Dreydl" with Ellen Kushner
5600 Post Rd, Dublin, OH
Tickets & Info: 614-559-6228

Here is a more complete description of "The Golden Dreydl:"

Public Radio's "Sound & Spirit" host Ellen Kushner and Shirim perform their award-winning Chanukah special. "The Golden Dreydl: a Klezmer Nutcracker" is a Chanukah-inspired fantasy-adventure tale: Tchaikovsky meets Harry Potter and they go to a Jewish wedding! Kushner's enchanting storytelling is woven into a live musical performance of Shirim's ingenious klezmer adaptations of Tchaikovsky's Nutcracker Suite. The whole family will enjoy this multifaceted performance: a new twist on an old favorite. Kushner and Shirim have created a brand-new retelling of an old tale: Sara is a little girl with a problem: she hates the annual family Chanukah party! But when a mysterious party guest gives her the gift of a golden dreydl, Sara is catapulted into a magical world of demons and fools, sorcerers and sages.

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