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Yiddish Puppet Show, the Bronx, NYC, Dec 12

In "Sholem Aleichem Kutlur-tsenter" in Bronx, vet men forshteln di
khanike lyialke-shpil - "Alts tsulib a latke" -
fun Beyle Gottesman.
Es veln zikh bateylikn - Henekh Carey, Perl Teitelbaum, Nekhome
Socolov, Itzik Gottesman, Beyle Gottesman, Shane Baker. Di muziker
veln zayn: Arun Vishwanath un Anshl Matthews.
Zuntik, dem 12tn detsember 1:30 bay tog (nisht 12:30 vi es shteyt in
"Forverts" anonts!). Me vet esn latkes, zingen khanike-lider un Itzik
Gottesman vet redn vegn khanike-minhogim.
3301 Bainbridge Avenue. rog - 208te gas.
Fort mit der "D" ban biz 205te gas-stantsye oder mit der "4" ban miz
Mosholu Parkway- stantsye.
Kumt ale farbrengen lekoved khanike!
informatsye: 718-231-1416

This Sunday December 12 at 1:30 PM at the Sholem Aleichem Culture
Center in the Bronx, come to a rare presentation of the Khanike
puppet show.
"Alts tsulib a latke" (On account of a Latke) by Beyle Gottesman.
In the cast: Henry Carrey, Paula Teitelbaum, Shane Baker, Emily
Socolov, Itzik Gottesman, Beyle Gottesman.
Musicians: Arun Viswanath and Alan Matthews.
3301 Bainbridge Avenue, corner 208th st.
Take the D train to 205th st or 4 train to Mosholu Parkway.
information: 718-231-1416

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