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Art Bailey's Orkestra Popilar, Queens, NYC, Feb 8

Art Bailey's Orkestra Popilar is a quartet consisting of accordion, violin, mandolin and bass that highlights both well-known and more obscure Klezmer tunes, as well as Bailey's own original compositions. Reminiscent of an earlier time in the history of recorded Jewish music, the result is fresh, unique, and thoroughly engaging. The synagogue's foyer is transformed into a "café-style" setting, complete with intimate tables and delicious desserts.

Astoria Center of Israel synagogue
27-35 Crescent Street, Astoria (Queens)
Call 718-278-2680 or visit www.astoriacenter.org.

Next two concerts are: Tuesday, January 11th and February 8th, 7:30 -­ 9:30pm.

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