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Frank London and Party, NYC, Apr 17

Proud to be part of the celebration
The Birth of The Stone
A New Artists' Space in the East Village

4/17 Sunday 10 pm Frank London and Party

Playing music from his Tzadik releases "Scientist At Work", "Invocations", and the upcoming "Hazonos", trumpeter Frank London and special guests will celebrate The Stone's opening with compositions and improvisations ancient to the future, music that is at turns meditative introspective and celebratory exuberant.

Frank London - trumpet
Anthony Coleman - piano & harmonium
Ken Filiano - bass
Newman Baker - percussion

THE STONE is located at the corner of avenue C and 2nd street
ADMISSION $10 per set
students 13 to 19 admitted half price, children 12 and under free
there are no advance ticket sales all admissions are at the door prior to each performance

for more info go to:


The Stone is a not-for-profit performance space dedicated to the EXPERIMENTAL and AVANT-GARDE. All expenses are paid for by the MUSIC itself - through the online sale of special Limited Edition CDs released yearly on the Tzadik label. Each month a different musician is responsible for curating the programs with 100% of the nightly revenue going directly to the musicians. There are no refreshments or merchandise at The Stone. Only music. All ages are welcome.

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