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Secular Music's Jewish Soul, Newton, MA, Jun 1


Three evening lecture concert series
with Joshua Jacobson
Jack Gottlieb
Hankus Netsky
Josh Dolgin
The Zamir Chorale

MAY 25; JUNE 1 AND 19, 2005
7:30 p.m.
Berenson Hall

Jack Gottlieb
Funny, It Doesn't Sound Jewish: Unexpected undertones of Broadway and Hollywood music

Programs are $12 advance paid registration, $15 at the door, $30 advance paid registration for all three programs. Matriculated students receive a 50 percent discount.

REGISTER ONLINE NOW AT: www.hebrewcollege.edu/selreg or call 617-559-8709 to register by phone with a credit card.

FOR FULL DETAILS, go to www.hebrewcollege.edu/heartbeat

During this enlightening and entertaining lecture-performance series at Hebrew College, attendees will learn how the music of Jewish culture crept and sometimes swept into the mainstream – yet remained faithful to its origins. The three evenings will be lavishly accompanied by music: Boston's famed Zamir Chorale singing excerpts of the breathtaking Sacred Service; award-winning composer and author Jack Gottlieb playing Broadway and Hollywood favorites on the piano; and internationally acclaimed musicians Josh Dolgin, Hankus Netsky and colleagues performing a startling synthesis of synagogue, klezmer and hip-hop music.

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