Music for the Sabbath in Progressive congregations workshop, London, UK, Jun 18-21, 2006
We have one more JMI Summer School ready to Roll its—"Music for the Sabbath in
Progressive congregations" led by the incomparable Cantor Josee Wolff
Sunday 18 June – Wednesday 21 June 2006
L'chu N'ran'nah LAdonai—Come let us sing to the Eternal One!
The Sabbath in the Progressive Tradition
A four-day intensive course for synagogue musicians, worship leaders, choir directors, and
all lovers of Jewish music.
Course Director, Cantor Josee Wolff (New York)
Daily 10.30am - 5.30pm
Leo Baeck College, The Sternberg Centre, 80 East End Road, London, N3
Josée Wolf the charismatic cantor of New York returns by popular demand to look intensively at the Sabbath in the progressive tradition. She says: During this course we will:
- Study the history and structure of Shabbat liturgy
- explore the use of traditional synagogue modes in contemporary worship
- learn congregational melodies for the Kabbalat Shabbat service
- discuss integration of choirs into the services
- experience how music can be midrash
- and much more...
Come and refine your skills, share your experience and learn some new music that is guaranteed to enhance the services in your synagogue.
A must for anyone leading services on Shabbat.
Full rate: L130 students rate L90. Daily rate: L30
Registration and more details Tel: 020 8909 2445
E-mail Jewish Music Institute for further info