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Jewish Music Forum, NYC, Jan 20

The Tradition Continues on the Lower East Side: Experimental Music and the American Jewish Imaginary in 1990s New York City

Tamar Barzel (Wellesley College)
Respondent: Jonathan Freedman (University of Michigan)

Friday, January 20
10 A.M.
Center for Jewish History
15 West 16th Street
New York, NY

For information on this or other events of the Jewish Music Forum, please see the website: www.jewishmusicforum.org, call 212-294-8328 or email the Jewish Music Forum.

Tamar Barzel is Mellon Postdoctoral Fellow in Ethnomusicology at Wellesley
College in Wellesley, MA, where she teaches courses on blues, jazz, pop
music, and punk rock. She received her Ph.D. in Ethnomusicology from the
University of Michigan in 2004 after spending several years in New York
City doing research on the downtown music scene. She is currently at work on a
book manuscript, Radical Jewish Culture: Unsettling Heritage Music on New
York City's 1990s Downtown Music Scene.

Jonathan Freedman is a Professor of English and American Culture at the University of Michigan. He published The Temple of Culture: Assimilation, Aggression, and the Making of Literary Anglo-America (Oxford, 2000) and recently co-edited a collection entitled Jewish in America (Michigan, 2004). He’s currently finishing a book tentatively entitled Klezmer Modernity: Jewish and Other Others.

For information on this or other events of the Jewish Music Forum, please see the website: www.jewishmusicforum.org, call 212-294-8328 or email the Jewish Music Forum.

The Jewish Music Forum is a project of the American Society for Jewish Music hosted at the Center for Jewish History with the support of the American Jewish Historical Society.

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