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Tsu Lebn, Wakefield, MA, Mar 26

band photoTemple Emmanuel in Wakefield, MA is celebrating Jewish Music Month with
TSU LEBN, an old world Klezmer band
Sunday, March 26th at 2:00 pm

Tickets: adults $8, children 5 to 12 $5, family rate is $25
TEMPLE EMMANUEL, 120 Chestnut Street, Wakefield, MA 01880
Information: call temple office 781-246 1886 & leave a message

TSU LEBN’s musicians are Ben Pasamanik (clarinet) Marianne Cygnel (accordion) and Vlad Liberman (violin). For the past 10 years, Ben and Marianne have played together as the “Garlic and Onions” Klezmer Ensemble, where they have performed at concerts, festivals, weddings and Bar Mitzvas throughout greater Boston. In their latest musical project, “Tsu Lebn”, they have teamed up with Vlad Liberman to re-create the sounds of Old World klezmer, the music played by East European Jews over 100 years ago.

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