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Yuval Ron Ensemble @ Topanga Earth Day, CA, Apr 23

Sunday, April 23, 2006 at 4pm
Topanga Earth Day
"a day long celebration and a union of music, arts, science, healing and ceremony"
The Yuval Ron Ensemble
Concert for Earth Day

with guest singer: Ahmed El Asmar
guest dancers: Maya Karasso and Melanie Kareem

Location: at the Topanga State Park; Nature Center, Trippet Ranch 20825 Entrada Road, Topanga, CA. 90290, back at the ranch.

Time: Yuval Ron Ensemble Concert at 4 pm , activities from 10am-5pm
Admission: $10 for the whole day!
For tickets and more info: www.topangaearthday.org

Proceeds will benefit Turtle Project & Stream Team and the Center for Land Base Learning - two local community, not for profit working to educate, preserve, and restore the natural environment
Topanga Earth Day, Sunday April 23rd will include numerous activities, workshops, booths, bazaar, environmentalists, displays, yoga, music and dance shows and more for the whole family from 10 am to 5 pm

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