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GhettoPlotz, London, UK, Sep 10

www.nottinghillartsclub.com for more info. By quoting the password 'tants' (Yiddish for dance) you'll get £1 off the entrance.

The GhettoPlotz Crew.

Costa Urbana presents
*Circo Urbano*
*at notting hill arts club - sunday, september 10*
* from 7.30pm onwards - £6, £5 with password*
* 21 notting hill gate, W11 - notting hill gate tube*
* PASSWORD: Tants*

[Maya & Manon hard-working anarclowns?] - PERFORMANCE & HOSTS
[GhettoPlotz klezmer mashup massive] - LIVE at 8.30pm
[LaXula flamenco space rockers] - LIVE at 10.30pm

This is a night where Federico Fellini's circus music obsessions come face to face with cossack high kicks and Euro club on the dancefloor alongside live gigs by London's klezmer mashup massive

*GhettoPlotz* followed by flamenco's space rockers * LaXula*.

Special guests include performance by anarclowns *Mayon & Mana* and *Dzek*of the Continental Drift club night in East London spinning French, Italian and Spanish 60s and 70s retro hits & vinyl jewels!

CostaUrbana resident djs *Nova* & *Muezzin* spinning the latest Mediterranean brew on the dancefloor; off your head flamenco funk, balkanised drum n' bass, gypsy stomp, Istanbulian groove, bouzouki discopop, maghreb-gnawa beats, tarantella trance, rock n' raï, napolitan ragga, bosnian turbofolk, pizzica punk…

DETAILS ON THE ACTS & DIRECTIONS TO THE CLUB: www.nottinhillartsclub.com

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