Fireflies, Waterville, Co. Kerry, Ireland, Oct 21
The Fireflies
Saturday 21st October - Adults Day Off - 2 - 5pm: an afternoon of fun and music in Tech Amergin, Waterville, Co. Kerry
So.... what about this Adults Day Off then?
These are afternoon workshops for people aged 18 and over. It is part-funded by Kerry County Council Arts Office. Activities include relaxing, singing, song-writing and learning Klezmer dances. No experience is needed - just come along and have some fun. There are 2 dates, one in Kenmare and one in Waterville. Each is followed by a Fireflies gig, where you can practise your dances, or just listen or do your thing!! The cost for the day is €25 BUT THERE ARE LIMITED PLACES SO BOOK QUICK!!
Closing date for bookings for Waterville Adults Day Off 11th October (event takes place on 21st)