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di bostoner klezmer, Worcester+Brookline, MA, Oct 14

di bostoner klezmer
Shabes October 14th Then, for Simkhes Toyre (OK, technically, Shemini
Atzeret!) on, you can catch us playing at
Temple Emanuel in Worcester for a morning musical
service starting at 9:30 A.M. (address is 280 May Street, phone:
and in the evening - from about 6:30 to 9:00 P.M. - at the
service at Temple Beth Zion (Moshe Waldok's shul) at 1566
Beacon Street, Brookline. It's on the C branch of the Green Line
just outside of Washington Square, and a few stops after Coolidge
Corner. On-street parking is also available) Phone 617-566-8171.

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