Inter Alia, Boston, MA, Nov 29
I would like to invite everyone to a couple of performances by my
group Inter Alia.
Saturday, December 9th, 8 p.m. we perform "Reflections on Light:
Exploring the Intersections of Shadow, Projection and Perception" at
CasaNia, 46 Porter Rd. in Porter Square, Cambridge (
Cost: $15 adults, $10 children and seniors.
Here is a bit of background on the group:
Inter Alia is an interdisciplinary improvisational performance
group. Our name is taken from the Latin: "inter" meaning "between"
or "among," "alia" meaning "others," "someone else," or "something
else." Each piece we perform is created in a completely
collaborative manner. We try, as musicians, dancers, visual artists
and performance artists, to open ourselves to the unique
vocabularies of each other's particular traditions, and to challenge
and be challenged by the borders between them. In the process, we
hope to create pieces which are innovative and thought-provoking
while remaining emotionally accessible and at times downright fun.
We are: Yael Bat-Shimon, violinist; Emily Beattie and Andrea
Cheatham, dancers; Joseph Darensbourg, vocalist; Mike Hall,
digital media artist; and Skye Schulte, painter. You can visit our
website at