Purim in Khelm, NYC, Mar 7
"Purim in Khelm" kumt shoyn tsurik—halt di dates!
("Purim in Khelm" is back - mark the dates!)
The National Yiddish Theatre - Folksbiene presents
by Motl Didner and Miryem-Khaye Seigel
An originele yidishe muzikalishe komedye prezentirt mit englishe un rusishe iberkeplekh)
(An original Yiddish musical comedy presented with English and Russian supertitles)
FREE PERFORMANCE (fraye forshtelung):
Wednesday, March 7 - Queens College, Colden
Auditorim - 2 PM. Free tickets: 718-793-8080
Info: Folksbiene 212-213-2120
The National Yiddish Theatre—Folksbiene presents "Purim in Khelm" an original musical-comedy presented in Yiddish with English and Russian translation supertitles projected above the stage.
This new Purim Shpiel follows the foolish "Wise men of Chelm" as they plan to present their own Purim play.
Written by Motl Didner and Miryem-Khaye Seigel
Directed by Motl Didner
Starring Ashley Adler, Leizer Burko, Itzy Firestone, Richard Kass, Susanne Nancy Kobb, David Mandelbaum, Stuart Marshall, Freydale Zynstein-Oz, Harry Peerce and Miryem-Khaye Seigel
With Art Bailey, Deborah Strauss and Jeff Warschauer
This is a free event sponsored by The City University of New York