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Nikitov, Haarlem, the Netherlands, Feb 18

band photoNikitov
Feb. 18
De Waag
Haarlem, NL
05:00 PM

The Dutch-American Yiddish music quartet is in the middle
of their "Fun Shtetl Tsu Shtetl" all-synagogue tour of Holland.
The response has been overwhelming and the shows are selling out
across the country. Nikitov has been touring in support of their
latest recording "Vanderlust" on Chamsa records both in the US and
Europe. The group concludes the tour at De Waag in Haarlem where
centuries of troubadors performed to prove their skill and talent
and, in more recent history, folk singers like Joan Baez and Simon
and Garfunkel have come to pay homage to the great singers of the

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