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Nice Jewish Girls Gone Bad, Los Angeles, CA, Mar 2-4, 2007

nice jewish girlsNice Jewish Girls Gone Bad
March 2nd - 4th @8pm
Tangiers Restaurant
2138 Hillhurst Avenue
Los Angeles

Nice Jewish Girls Gone Bad heads to LA to heat our hamantaschens for a Purim throwdown like no other on March 2nd, 3rd and 4th. We are joined by Klezmer Juice—the yid band of Wedding Crashers fame as well as spoken word artist Vanessa Hidary (HBO), Cynthia Levin (Comedy Central), Betsy Salkin (Tonight Show), Dana Eagle and special guest Jessi Klein (Comedy Central) and the return of the Shiksa Dancers, who will be played by LA favorite burlesque broads, Polly Peabody and Crystal Swarovski. Goddess Perlman hosts this mishagas with an array of brand new get-ups. come spend a night with the sexiest yids around.


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