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Tantshoyz - Yiddish Dance Party, NYC, May 20

The Center for Traditional Music and Dance, the JCC in Manhattan and the Workmen’s Circle/Arbeter Ring present...

The Fourth Tantshoyz (Yiddish Dance House)—Dance Party/Workshop at the Manhattan JCC
Sunday, May 20 6:00PM - 9:00 PM at the JCC led by Deborah Strauss!
In the Theater

The Center for Traditional Music and Dance and the Jewish Community Center in Manhattan present a Tantshoyz (Dance House). Lace up your dancing shoes for an evening of traditional East European Jewish dancing led by master dance leader Deborah Strauss. Live klezmer music will be provided by some of New York's hottest musicians: Jake Shulman-Ment (violin), Pete Rushefsky (tsimbl/hammered dulcimer) and Nick Cudahy (bass).

And mark your calendars: Upcoming Tantshoys:
Wednesday, June 6 7:00PM – 10:00PM at the JCC led by Michael Alpert!

Cost is $10 ($8 for JCC and Workman’s Circle Members), pay at the door. Questions call Pete at 917-326-9659

Support for the Yiddish Dance Project was provided to the Center for Traditional Music & Dance by the Forward Association, the New York State Council on the Arts Folk Arts Program, a State agency, and the New York City Department of Cultural Affairs.

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