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A Shirtwaist Tale, Berkeley, CA, Nov 4, 2007

publicity graphicA Shirtwaist Tale

A Shirtwaist Tale tells the true story of 30,000 young, mostly Jewish, immigrant women that changed the face of the labor movement by striking for better wages and shorter hours in 1909. Oakland playwright Judith Offer teams up with renowned composer Arkadi Serper to restage this delightful musical seven years after its initial debut. Accompanied by an onstage klezmer band, this vital document of the immigrant history is not to be missed.

Saturday, November 3, 8:00pm
Sunday, November 4, 5:00pm
Saturday, November 10, 8:00pm
Sunday, November 11, 5:00pm

$15 members, $20 public

JCC East Bay
510-848-0237 / fax: 510-848-0170
Berkeley, CA

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