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Fine Foreign Film, Cambridge, MA, Nov 4, 2007

Sun November 4th, 7-10, The Lilypad 1353 Cambridge St., Cambridge
Fine Foreign Film with Special Guests Novelty Act.

FFF is still frolicking with the Classic Italian film music from the 50s on up to today.

with Rick Stone on reeds, Andrew Stern guitar, Michael McLaughlin on piano, Andrew Blickenderfer on bass and other strings, and Eric Platz on drums

Novelty Act: Lead by composer and singer/songwriter Colin Stack, his music is an eclectic mix of rock, bluegrass, R&B, jazz, folk and vaudeville. I've always said he draws from the days when song writing actually told stories. Members include Colin on vox, guitar and piano, Jonathon Kooper on piano, Carmen Staff on piano and accordion, Mark Coheo on lead guitar, Rick Stone on sax, Kendal Eddy on bass, Jorge Perez and Mark Levy on Percussion

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