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Yiddish Cafe, Montreal, Canada, Feb 14, 2008

Yiddish Café: “Love is a Ring of Fire”

Yiddish Café presents “Love is a Ring of Fire” on Thursday, February 14, 2008 at 8:00 p.m. The evening features love songs and poems by some exceptional Montreal talent, and includes refreshments in a café-style setting. At the Jewish Public Library, 5151 Côte Ste-Catherine Road, Montreal. Sponsored by the Augenfeld Family Endowment. Cost $5 for JPL members and students, $10 others. Call 514-345-2627 ext. 3006 for tickets and information.

JPL LogoThe Jewish Public Library, founded in Montreal in 1914, is committed to encouraging and promoting the Yiddish language, culture and literature, by collecting and preserving Yiddish materials, and by presenting a variety of cultural events.


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