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"Common Chords", San Diego, CA, Apr 10, 2008

Hot PstromiCommon Chords
The concert will take place at San Diego State University at Smith Recital Hall (M101) at 7pm on April 10th.

Admission is free.

"Common Chords" with Salman Ahmad & Junoon and Yale Strom & Hot Pstromi. The concert will consist of Sufi/Qaawali music and klezmer and the mixing of both Muslim and Jewish folk music traditions. "Common Chords" is an ongoing series of concerts and collaborations between these two world renowned artists and their ensembles.

"COMMON CHORDS" will feature the Pakistani rock star Salman Ahmad (guitar) and world class virtuoso tabla player Samir Chatterjee in concert with Yale Strom (and members of his band Hot Pstromi: Fred Benedetti, Mark Dresser and Elizabeth Schwartz). This concert will celebrate the common roots of Muslim and Jewish music.

Strom and Ahmad first performed together in February 2007 at Queens College in NYC as part of a large exhibit called "The Grandeur of Islamic Art in Image and Object." After the concert, they realized how powerful their jamming together onstage, as Jew and Muslim, was for the audience. They decided then to continue these musical dialogues across the country, hoping to demonstrate and foster positive and constructive conversations between people from all walks of life. These great artists and friends now bring this spiritual and musical energy to San Diego State.

Jon Pareles of The New York Times wrote: "Junoon is South Asia's answer to Santana"

Time Magazine says of these two major talents: "Junoon - rock and Sufi rapture" and "Through his art, Strom has brought back his spiritual klezmer ancestors".

This event is sponsored by the Jewish Studies Program, the Center for Islamic and Arabic Studies, the Religious Studies Department Many Paths Fund, and the Cross-Cultural Center at SDSU. For parking information, go to www.music.sdsu.edu and click on Parking Information for the closest lots.

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