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Folksbiene, "A Vitsl un a Kitsl", NYC, Mar 18, 2008

The Folksbiene Troupe, "A Vitsl un a Kitsl"
A Celebration of Yiddish Humor

Just in time for Purim! The greatest comedy routines and songs from Sholem Aleichem, Dzigan and Shumacher, Mikhl Rosenberg, Molly Picon and more presented by Di Folksbiene Trupe (TheTroupe) Leizer Burko, Motl Didner, Danielle "Elize-Rokhl" Dorter, Richard "Ruvn" Kass, Daniella Rabbani and Amanda "Miryem-Khaye" Seigel. Directed by Motl Didner, Musical Direction by Zalmen Mlotek


March 18,2008 at 7pm FREE
Hunter College, Lang Recital Hall

(212) 772-4448
Details: folksbiene.org/upcoming.html

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