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Sanda Weigl, NYC, 3 Oct, 2008

Sanda WeiglSanda Weigl, Romanian Gypsy Jazz Singer and her Trio/Gypsy In A Tree
Potent Contemporary interpretations of Gypsy music.

Shoko Nagai - Piano, Accordion, Arrangements
Stomu Takeishi - Bass
Satoshi Takeishi - Percussion

Oct. 3, 7:30 PM
Joe's Pub, NYC
425 Lafayette Street (between East 4th and Astor Place)

Tickets: $15
Phone 212.967.7555 / Tickets and Table Reservations: 212/539-8778
Tickets online: www.joespub.com

Romanian-born singer, Sanda Weigl (vye-gul), internationally celebrated for her potent, contemporary interpretation of Romanian gypsy music, will embark on her first U.S. tour this fall, presented by the Romanian Cultural Institute. Sanda, with her jazz trio, will perform the music she learned on the streets of Bucharest as a child. The first concert is scheduled at MIT's Wong Auditorium/Tang Center (Cambridge, MA) on October 14, 2008, and is organized in collaboration with the Romanian Student Association at MIT. Other stops are Chicago's Morse Theatre, and The University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. Her ensemble at MIT will include Shoko Nagai - Piano, Accordion, Arrangements; Stomu Takeishi - Bass; and Satoshi Takeishi - Percussion.

Presented by the Romanian Cultural Institute in New York

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