Dr. Dmitri Slepovitch, NYC, 12 Oct, 2008
Sunday, October 12th, 2008 - 1:30pm
Calling all Litvaks!
Dr. Dmitri Slepovitch,
ethnomusicologist, folklorist and klezmer formerly of Minsk, Belarus, will lecture in Yiddish on the topic:
"Yiddish music in Belarus".
Based on extensive fieldwork of him and
Prof. Nina Stepanskaya z''l.
He will also show clips of video interviews and play samples of his findings as well.
Sholem Aleichem Cultural Center
3301 Bainbridge Avenue, corner 208th St.
(near Montefiore Hospital), Bronx, NY
$ 3.50 Refreshments served.
INFORMATION: +1 917 930-0295