Yuval Ron: The Lost Soul of Spain, Los Angeles, CA, 2 Nov 2008
The Yuval Ron Ensemble
performing "The Lost Soul of Spain"
Music and Dance of the Sephardic Jews
featuring Israeli-Tunisian singer Smadar Levi
and Israeli-Moroccan dancer Maya Karasso
Yuval Ron presents a preview concert of the music to be played by his international ensemble for the King of Morocco, at the International Sacred Music of Fez in June 2009. The program will feature Hebrew and Ladino songs from Morocco, Andalusia, Bosnia, and Israel. Woven in between the songs are travel stories, kabalistic interpretations, and personal anecdotes of the life and culture, out of which grew the fruit of Sephardic music.
Brentwood Presbyterian Church
12000 San Vicente Boulevard
Los Angeles, CA 90049
Admission: $20 at the door
Parking: Church lot, Comerica Bank lot, Re/Max lot, Brentwood Science Magnet Elementary School lot or street parking.
For more information: 818 505 1355