"The Richness of Yiddish - Language, Literature and Lider", Boston, MA, 15 Sep 2009
The Vilna Shul, Boston's Center for Jewish Culture (www.vilnashul.org) and Boston Workmen's Circle Center for Jewish Culture and Social Justice are both historically significant and vibrantly active Jewish organizations in Boston with roots in the Yiddish language. On Tuesday, September 15, from 6:30pm - 8:00pm at the Vilna Shul in Beacon Hill, they will be teaming up to present "The Richness of Yiddish - Language, Literature and Lider"
Whether you're hearing Yiddish for the first time or you speak it often, this interactive workshop aims to increase your understanding of Yiddish through music, poetry, and film. Led by Debra Caplan, a young Yiddish scholar, singer, and lover of Yiddish theater, this workshop promises to be a dynamic learning experience and a great way to learn about other Yiddish programs in the Boston area. Tours of the historic Vilna Shul, Boston's last immigrant era synagogue, will be available.
The Vilna Shul is located at 18 Phillips Street in Beacon Hill, and is accessible by public transportation. Discounted parking is available for $10 at the Charles River Plaza parking garage. Pre-registration is requested
Suggested donation $5-$10. Snacks will be provided.