Klezmer workshops & dance party, Belmont, MA, 7 Nov 2009
Saturday, November 7, 2009
Klezmer workshops and dance party
with The Casco Bay Tummlers Klezmer Band
The Folk Arts Center of New England presents concurrent workshops in klezmer singing and instrumental music, led by members of the Casco Bay Tummlers. A potluck supper follows,
then an evening of klezmer and international dancing with
music by the Tummlers. Beginners are welcome.
Payson Park Congregational Church parish hall,
365 Belmont Street, Belmont, Massachusetts
5:30–6:30 pm Singing and instrumental sessions
6:45–7:45 pm Potluck supper (kosher items welcome)
8:00–11 pm Dance party with dance instruction
Singing or instrumental workshop $18, FAC members $15, students $12
Potluck supper no charge
Dance party $18, FAC members $15, students $12
Workshop and dance party $32, FAC members $26, students $20
For more information, facone.org/programs/program/klezmer.htm
Tel: 781-662-7475