Klezmer Christmas Eve, Barbes, NYC, 24 December 2010
Friday Dec 24th, 8 & 10 PM * $10
Barbès - www.barbesbrooklyn.com - Corner of 6th Ave and 7th Street in Park Slope, Brooklyn
A Purely Coincidental Night of Klezmer. Featuring Ben Holmes (trumpet), Karen Waltuch (viola), Reuben Radding (bass), Uri Sharlin (accordion) & special guests. For the past two years, December 24th has proven to be an exceptionally lovely evening for klezmer, for no particular reason, really. The first concert certainly wasn't motivated by a book we found at an elementary school music program with the fascinating title of "Christmas Music for Everyone". This year, ditch the movie (but feel free to bring the Chinese food) and come to the continuation of the klezmer coincidence for a delightful evening of music, dancing and drink. Sets at 8 PM & 10 PM, $10 suggested.