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Yiddish Sing-Along, San Francisco, CA, 30 Oct, 2011

OCTOBER 30, 2:00-4:00pm, KlezCalifornia Yiddish Sing-Along led by Achi Ben Shalom, at a private home in San Francisco.

Originally scheduled for September 18, the San Francisco celebration of the "KlezCalifornia Yiddish Songbook," third edition, has been changed to Sunday, October 30, 2:00-4:00pm. Reservations and more info: 415.789.7679, or email KlezCalifornia.

For your very own, nicely-printed copy of the Songbook, send a donation of $5 ($3 + S/H) to KlezCalifornia, 1728 Allston Way, Berkeley CA 94703 or use a credit card HERE, or take one home from a sing-along for a $3 donation. Lomir aleh zingn!

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