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SoCalled, "Beats to Break Fast," Chicago, IL, 10 Oct, 2011

SoCalledBeats to Break Fast

October 10, 2011, 8pm
3855 N. Lincoln
Chicago, IL

Armed with his Akai MPC, heritage and love for genre-bending music, Socalled, aka Josh Dolgin, is a Yiddish rapping, accordion wielding hip-hop maestro. Heralded by Klezmer and hip hop musicians alike, he builds Jewish music from the bottom-up. Previous albums Hiphopkhasene (Piranha), Socalled Seder (2005, JDUB), Ghettoblaster (2007, JDUB ) and now Sleepover (2011, Dare to Care) reached into the past to mine an amalgamation of traditional and contemporary influences.

more info: www.kfarcenter.org/events/broadway-bar-mitzvah-or-shalom

Sponsored by Kfar Jewish Arts Center

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