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Kenor, Lancaster, PA, 6 November 2011

כנורkēnòr will be performing at the

Lancaster Jewish Community Center, Oregon Pike

Lancaster, Pennsylvania

November 6th 2011, 2:00pm

כנורkēnòr is four musical listeners, playing violin, double bass, guitar and drums.

Together, they will be performing a selection of jazz standards and Jewish tunes, following contemporary jazz practice, including tastefully performed heads, sensitive ensemble, and insightful improvised solos.


Christopher Brooks, violin, is former concertmaster of Orquesta Bética Filarmónica de Sevilla (Spain) and the Harrisburg Symphony, and violinist with the Susquehanna String Quartet. Brooks draws from deep classical and Jewish roots in his thoughtful and soulful improvisations.

Pete Bainbridge, bass ‘viol, supports the ensemble with a solid harmonic and rhythmic foundation as well as offering tantalizing, free-ranging solos.

Jon Kunkle’s classically-trained and jazz-inspired electric guitar engoldens the sound of the ensemble, both while tastefully supporting the melody and during his elegant solos.

Dave Young has played drums with every important jazz musician in the region. Young has the rare ability to stitch an ensemble together, creating a whole much more than its parts.

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